
Metabologenomic. Inc. has ranked 50th in the Financial Times “Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies 2020”

Metabologenomic Inc. has ranked 50th (2nd in the healthcare sector, 1st in the same sector among the Japanese companies) in the “Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies 2020” jointly released by Financial Times and Statista on April 21st.

This ranking is based on the survey targeting companies whose headquarters is located in Asia-pacific region, and lists top 500 companies considering their compound annual growth rate of revenues across 2015 to 2018.

Our company has established “Metagen Singapore Pte. Ltd.”, our first international subsidiary, in March 2020 and is starting to develop our intestinal environment data-based R&D project in Asia.

Taking this feat as an opportunity, we will further endeavor to globally convey our concept “Gut Design”, and accelerate our business development in order to bring about our vision “Realizing zero-disease by the power of frontier science” worldwide.

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